Harmonized European Dermato-Venereology Undergraduate blended LEARNing Implementation and Training

About 20-25% of all physician consultations refer to problems of the skin. Thus Dermato-Venereology is a very important core component in the undergraduate training of medical students. However, less than 3% of doctors in Europe are specialized in Dermato-Venereology. The better the medical undergraduate training at the university level, the better the diagnostic and therapeutic decisions and the interdisciplinary consultation at the time when the student has reached the level of a licensed doctor in daily practice at the private office or in the clinic.
Aims of the project
Aim 1

Elaboration of standards for a harmonized undergraduate Dermato-Venereology-training in 8 European partner-universities; allocation of credit points (ECTS)
Aim 2

Promoting an innovative blended learning concept by combining classical teaching strategies with interactive e-learning tools (Cyberderm; www.cyberderm.net) in an inverted (flipped) classroom setting
Aim 3

Disseminating the project and promoting harmonisation of undergraduate training in Dermato-Venereology in Europe after finishing the funded-project-phase under the immaterial support of the European Dermatology Forum (EDF) and its Undergraduate Training Commission (UTC)
Instructions on filling out the Student Feedback Questionnaires
Step 3

Click here and enter the password provided by your professor. Read through min. 5 short version and 5 long version diagnoses.
Step 4

Compare short vs long version by logging in (Step 2) and fillling out the Periodically based questionnaire.*
*Your professor will indicate which diagnoses you should choose for comparison.

Dermatology Online with Interactive Technology (Cyberderm), is an e-Learning platform focused on the field of dermatology. It features a powerful encyclopedia-style, inner search engine and visual interface. Cyberderm has been developed using the Swiss Learning Objectives Catalogue, designed to harmonize medical teaching amongst Universities